Plantation Drive

6 October 2021
GNIOT Campus

The Electrical Engineering (EE) Department, GNIOT Successfully conducted a "Plantation Drive" at the Office of the honourable DM, Gautam Buddha Nagar. The "Plantation Drive" was made a huge success by the cordial cooperation of Sh. Dewakar Singh, ADM, Gautam Buddha Nagar. Driven by the charismatic mentorship of Dr. Nikhil Gupta, HOD, EE department, all the students as well as faculty members of the EE department ecstatically participated in the drive. Seeking the auspicious blessings of our Chairman Sir, Sh. Rajesh Gupta Ji and supported by the constructive efforts of Dr. Pranveer Singh, Director General, GNIOT Group of institutions and Dr. Dheeraj Gupta, Director, GNIOT.

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