Cyber Security Awareness Poster-Making Competition

21 June 2024
GNIOT, Greater Noida

 - A Grand Success!

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, in collaboration with the ICC and GNIX Technical Club, organized an incredible poster-making competition on June 19, 2024. With the theme "Cyber Security Awareness," this event aimed to boost students' understanding and awareness of cybersecurity issues.

We witnessed enthusiastic participation from 29 students, each showcasing their creativity and knowledge through their posters. This competition provided a unique platform for students to express their understanding of cybersecurity through art, promoting awareness and education on this critical issue.

A huge thank you to Dr. Shipra Srivastava from the IoT department for judging the competition. Her expertise and insightful comments were highly appreciated by all participants.

Special recognition goes to Ms. Sonam Sirohi for her meticulous coordination and to student coordinators Shrishti and Arjun for their significant contributions to the event's success.

Congratulations to our winners:
* 1st Place: Ashutosh and Nitin
* 2nd Place: Pranati and Ashish
* 3rd Place: Shrishti and Kritika

Their posters stood out for their clarity, creativity, and relevance to the theme, illustrating key concepts of cybersecurity brilliantly.

We extend our sincere thanks to the GNIOT management for their continuous support, especially to Dr. Dhiraj Gupta, Director of GNIOT Engineering Institute, for his encouragement and leadership. Gratitude also goes to Dr. Mukesh Ojha, HOD (ECE), for his guidance and support in organizing this event.

The poster-making competition was a resounding success, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity and showcasing our students' ability to communicate complex ideas effectively through visual art. Well done, everyone! 

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