GNIOT Founder's Day Celebration

18 February 2024
GNIOT, Greater Noida

GNIOT Group of Institutions commemorates Founder’s Day annually on February 18th to honor the birth anniversary of our esteemed Founder Chairman, The Late Shri Krishan Lal Gupta ji. This significant occasion provides us with a splendid opportunity to reflect on the dedicated efforts of our founder Chairman and cherish the remarkable memories associated with this exceptional Institute.
This event epitomizes grandeur, with all institutes within the GNIOT Group participating with utmost vigor and enthusiasm, showcasing the finest talents on stage. We firmly believe that anything can be achieved with proper motivation, persistence, and self-confidence. Therefore, GNIOT Group of Institutions also honors some of its outstanding students, teaching and non-teaching staff,  who have demonstrated exemplary performance in both academics and extracurricular activities.
All faculty, staff members, and students are warmly invited to attend this memorable event on February 18th, 2024 (Sunday). This serves as a proud moment for all of us and an opportunity to express admiration for the exceptional team of educators who serve as perpetual sources of inspiration.

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