Faculty Development Programe

12 February 2022

Department of Training Technical is proud to announce that GNIOT has subscribed to the Edtech solutions and digital tools developed by InnovatioNext.

Advantages of Digital Tools

The Edtech solutions provide efficient and fastest routes to breakthrough innovations, start-ups, and scale-up. We invite all the faculty to experience next-generation tools like 3D Idea Generators, Guided Mind Maps, and World Innovation Network (WIN) cloud platform. The tools will enable GNOIT in developing a widespread culture of innovation/entrepreneurship for effectively complying with NISP, NEP and ARIIA.

Objective of FDP

The FDP session will provide knowledge of new tools, their installation procedure, and methods of using them for achieving tangible outcomes. The session will help the faculty in guiding the students on their innovation/start-up projects.

Faculty for FDP

The session will be conducted by Mr. Pravin Rajpal, Founder InnovatioNext, Global Innovation Thought Leader, and Innovation consultant to Fortune 500 companies.


The above FDP is being organized under the able guidance of Dr. Dhiraj Gupta, Director of GNIIT-132, Dr. Rajesh Pathak, Director (QA&RM), Prof. Vikas Singhal, Head of the Department.

Nevertheless we are thankful to our Management for supporting us in signing a MoU with INNOVATIONEXT.

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