Selecting the right institution for graduation might be difficult given the large number of universities, entrance exams, and other prerequisites.…
The word library springs from a French word "Librairie"; Latin "liber" = book. The library plays a crucial role in…
So just like any other thing in the world the pandemic has also had its own set of merits and…
The Great Noida Institute of Technology (GNIOT) Engineering College has been ranked as the best engineering college in Greater Noida.…
COVID-19, the pandemic that proved to be deadlier and more destructive than our initial assessment, brought the world to a…
Film Making is a piece of art which is not everyone’s cup of tea. A film maker has to be…
Do you want to design your own website? No worries; here is some knowledge about web designing and how you…
Communication is an effective skill of speaking, listening and understanding the desired message in the manner intended by the speaker.…
In the present sky-scraping, technological epoch, one major question that arises in every fresher’s mind passing out of top engineering…
Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals. -LES BROWN WHAT IS COMMUNICATION ?…