
Five thought provoking questions for Management Aspirants

Cultivate Greater Self Awareness: The first and the foremost thing which every management aspirant must do is to generate greater…

3 years ago


Given India's aspiration to establish “Make In India”, encourage startups and move up the manufacturing share to GDP from 16% now to 25%…

3 years ago

Growing Pattern of Analytics in Business

You must have heard of god, place, people, machinery,Organizations and even celebrities getting worshipped but ever heard of software and…

3 years ago

Management Education in VUCA world

Management Education was introduced at a time when the world was predictable. But now we are in a VUCA world…

3 years ago

Digital Marketing – A New Era of Brand Marketing

“Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we don’t catch…

3 years ago

Industry and Academia Amalgamation

Professional education has always been debated to be industry oriented since ages aiming to bring academics and industry on the…

3 years ago

Interview Matter: Communication Matters …

Your fate in an interview is decided in the first 90 seconds. The interviewer screens the candidate in the first…

3 years ago

Setting Goals during Pandemic

Goal setting has always been a difficult task for anyone and everyone. We always wonder how to go about setting…

3 years ago

Use of Artificial Intelligence to find the hidden pattern in huge dataset

Covid -19 pandemic has transformed business processes and has pushed forceful adaptation of information technology driven environment in our working…

3 years ago

Opportunities after PGDM with Marketing Specialization

Post Graduate Diploma in Management ( PGDM ) is most preferred course among graduate as well as corporate executives. This…

3 years ago