PGDM vs MBA: Which One Should You Pursue?

5 years ago

More often than not, MBA and PGDM are uttered under the same breath. Not many students understand the differences between…

7 Skills Companies Want in a Mechanical Engineering Graduate

5 years ago

In a competitive market where there is no dearth of mechanical engineers, top companies tend to evaluate your skills more…

Should You Go for Higher Studies After Electrical Engineering?

6 years ago

Electrical engineering is probably one of the most versatile engineering streams that include multiple subjects in its curriculum and provide…

5 Job Profiles Awaiting Every Computer Science Graduate

6 years ago

The demand for computer science graduates is not unknown. Right from the time when computers shrank to become more affordable,…

6 Facilities You Need to Have in your College

6 years ago

Are you confused about choosing the best engineering college from the plethora of choices available? Is the selecting best civil…

Who is a Financial Risk Manager and How Can You Become One?

6 years ago

The concept of risk management is not something very recent. Ever since businesses have existed, their owners or their accountants…

How Strong is the Future Potential of Electrical Engineering as a Branch of Studies?

6 years ago

The arena of electrical engineering has always been of prime importance when it comes to the advancements happening in the…

How To Develop A Sense Of Self-Motivation Among Your Teammates?

6 years ago

Prof.(Dr.) Savita Mohan Ph.D. MBA, MHRM Director, GNIOT MBA Institute, Greater Noida Motivation is a very strong tool we can…

Electrical Engineering – A Field of Immense Possibilities

6 years ago

The domain of electrical engineering in Delhi deals with the energy called electricity that rules every sphere of life today. There…

How Beneficial is ECE as a Branch of Engineering Studies?

6 years ago

Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is an emerging stream that offers firm promises to lend your career an edge. Studying…