The Power of Social Media: Lessons for a Marketer

3 years ago

20 years back, if someone said that a group of people will take down the top most sort out hedge…

Contract Farming: Best part of the Farmers’ (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Agricultural Services Act, 2020

3 years ago

In September, the government brought three new agricultural bills, which have become law after the President's approval. But the farmers…

Corona Warriors: The Real Super heroes

3 years ago

A new story trending now a days in every social media platform is COVID-19 warriors. They are given many names…

Interview Matter: Communication Matters …

3 years ago

Your fate in an interview is decided in the first 90 seconds. The interviewer screens the candidate in the first…

Setting Goals during Pandemic

3 years ago

Goal setting has always been a difficult task for anyone and everyone. We always wonder how to go about setting…

Use of Artificial Intelligence to find the hidden pattern in huge dataset

3 years ago

Covid -19 pandemic has transformed business processes and has pushed forceful adaptation of information technology driven environment in our working…


3 years ago

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted each of us lives. The businesses have been impacted badly and most of the…

Work-Life Balance for women working from home post Covid-19

3 years ago

Work from home policy is considered to enhance work-life balance The notion of balancing the two domains of people's lives…

Connectional Intelligence: A New Key to Teamwork and Excellence

3 years ago

We have many a times discussed the role of social media and networking in our lives. The benefits which we…

Opportunities after PGDM with Marketing Specialization

3 years ago

Post Graduate Diploma in Management ( PGDM ) is most preferred course among graduate as well as corporate executives. This…