Greatest Armour

2 years ago

Do more than just exist, Live your life. There are too many people that tell you that hiding your tears…


2 years ago

Leadership is "the process of persuasion or example by which an individual (or leadership team) induces a group to pursue…

MANET Routing Protocol

2 years ago

MANET network is a collection of mobile devices which form a communication network. In MANET, nodes do not know the…

Increasing phase of technology in education sector

2 years ago

The era of 21st century is referred as era of technology today technology plays an important role in the life…

Audio-Visual Aids Posters Education

2 years ago

Professional have to make oral presentation often. The impact of Audio-visual aids last longer that by simple hearing. Equipment available…


2 years ago

Concept of Personality Development: Personality is the total amount of route in which personal reacts and interacts with others. Personality…


2 years ago

A formal method of collecting timely information in a presentable form to facilitate effective decision making and implementation, to carry…

CS: The most popular choice for students

2 years ago

Two Roads diverged in a yellow woodTwo Roads diverged in a yellow woodAnd sorry I couldn’t travel both…..-Robert Frost The…

Corporate Governance

2 years ago

Corporate Governance is an organization by which companies are drive. It describes the set of incentives, preservation and the controversy…

Artificial Intelligence

2 years ago

Before explaining what Artificial Intelligence is, I will explain first what Intelligence is. Intelligence can be defined as ability to…