
Discovering the Art of Self, Love and Happiness

Rama to Riya: Hey Ria, Look at Anamika, what a lavish lifestyle she is living. She hardly keeps her foot on the ground, has everything on the tip of her fingers. I wish I too could live a life like that.

Anamika looking on the other side of the road, waving from her car window pane towards Rama and Riya as her car drives away, she converses with herself in her mind that, “How free these girls are! I hope someday I too could have the freedom to roam around and enjoy the simple joys of life”.

In the time that we are living today, it has become extremely important to appear happy and successful whilst suffering from within. We have forgotten to live the moments in midst of continuously capturing them. This is not how life was made to live. Where has the happiness gone? Where you are and which place do you actually belong to? Its’ high time to remove the mask and look at life with a more honest eye because you will not even come to know that wandering for recognition and acceptance by others you have lost your own self.

One thing that I believe and go by is the principle of “Acceptance or Expectance”. You either accept the things gracefully or live by it with sadness, if something isn’t meant to change, Accept It. And the next one is Stop Expecting anything from anyone. Let’s go by an example; we as individuals feel that I need to achieve a particular goal in life and then when it doesn’t happen you feel broken, so instead of expecting something out of yourself be determined to walk all possible paths to achieve and conquer, life will always reward you.

Don’t hesitate, talk and ask for help. Listen and Be heard.

Indulge in an activity or hobby, if you are passionate about it, learn it and it will always be your possession, no one can take it away from you. This feeling of oneness with your passion will make you experience Bliss.

Believe that you are the best thing that could ever happen and the world is bestowed with.

Before finding yourself, discover the fears that have enveloped your soul.

Before becoming one with others, try to become one with yourself.

Before criticizing someone, find the little good that they have for you.

Before loving someone, discover the love that you have for yourself.

Before getting outlaid, show your compassion and embrace.

Love Yourself and Everything Will Love You Back.

Written by: Swetha Wahi Dhall Assistant Professor MBA Institute GNIOT


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