Fives Reasons Why Everyone Needs Marketing Skills?

Marketing is often understood as subject of selling product & services although it is true in a sense, but actual marketing goes beyond the limited definition of selling. marketing is and Science of understanding customer needs and providing solutions, communicate at a large scale with a clear message and with solution-oriented approach.

Whatever career path you may take, Marketing is a necessary to excel in your chosen field. Pick any field from Insurance to FMCG, & from Software to mining Business Understanding of customer choices is of utmost important, without which businesses either fail or not succeed beyond a point. Let’s delve deeper and understand what are the five reasons for everyone to have marketing skills.

Know Your Customer-

Even if someone works in production or Admin department of company, if person understand marketing concept like Know Your customer it will become easier for them to deliver and excel in their own functional area. Just for example if Production department personnel understands their customer it will be easier for them to deliver and improve on production process, a rolls Royce commands a higher price for its immaculate production process Production department at Rolls Royce is aware of their customer preferences and Marketing department at Rolls Royce use this to their absolute advantage.

How Perceptions are made in customer’s Mind-

Marketing is also about taking care of how Products/Services are perceived by Customer. Every department in any organisation plays a vital role in creating the perception. A products or service’s value is dependant upon the perception which is in customer’s mind. Pursuing excellence flows in all departments ones they understand how their customer interact with their products, for example Colours and themes ofan online marketplace website will be driven by different factors then a hardware machinery manufacture’s website. Allowing website visitors to products they came looking for is the objective in first case, whereas letting website visitors know about their product’s robustness and longevity along with company’s commitment to customer service can be objective for Second case. Understanding the difference between the two and implementing becomes easier if someone understands marketing concept of perception.

To understand the Channels of Distribution-

Some products get distributed through Branded stores and some gets distributed highly localized street vendors. Understanding Distribution channels help every department in any organisation. For example, product packaging for Branded Stores would be soft, cushy and premium but for localized distribution it would be tough & concentrated on product safety from rough conditions and still try to deliver as much beautification as possible. Understanding of Distribution gives everyone in the company to be aligned with the purpose of customer delight.

Speak The Customer’s Language-

McDonald sales Alu Tikki burger in India which they have invented only for India. They were developedthis product, which is suited for Indian taste buds, because everyone in their Team India from their counter executives to CEO’s would have tried understood what is missing from their menus and what is customer would like. Marketers are primarily communicators which spread information and brand awareness on a large Scale. Its important for anyone and everyone in the company to engage and deliver product and services in customer language, this is vital because communication is the first tool available to grasp expectation and deliver expected outcomes in any field. If Departments understands how their customer usage their product, they have a chance to improve their products in customer centric way.

Understand companies Brand Equity-

“If you don’t understand the value of your brand and you do something to sacrifice that brand equity, you’re going to regret it. Better to learn in advance what to do and not to do,” says Prof. Kahn from Wharton School of business. Increasing Brand Equity is goal for organisational endeavour and profits is a by-product of same. All departments’ personnel can play their roles perfectly if they understand that their actions can help the organisation to raise Brand Equity.

We can safely say that whatever may your career choices be, understanding marketing concepts would make you understand actions and help you deliver better for sure.

Keep visiting this space for more such info.

All the best


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