Indian Economy is set to become world 3rd largest economy by 2031, that is why we see in India, professional courses are attracting talented people to learn, develop skills & address emerging demand of companies. Engineering education in India is popular amongst students and they want to get into engineering colleges to pursue this reputed degree. But there are some points one should consider about B.Tech so let us see, what you must know before applying for B.Tech course from Greater Noida.
Opportunities: Let us start with finding opportunities which are present for engineers. Engineers today are present in almost every sector of life they are not limited to factories, and drawing boards, to design and build products, they are steering some of the largest organisations, working brilliantly in financial markets and leading the big corporations of the business. With Emergence of new technologies engineers are getting more and more opportunities in hybrid engineering subjects as well. Because of critical thinking abilities, problem solver attitude and analytical skills Engineers are considered for many jobs. But Word of caution here, despite having a widely acceptable degree and a particularly good reputation, corporations and employers are looking for talented individuals ONLY, which essentially means that one must prove his/her talent to the prospective employer and ability to showcase the traits has become an important skill too. Becoming and engineer does not mean a good job is waiting for you. One should know that if you are pursuing B.Tech. and want to get a good opportunity with a respectable package, you must invest your four years of study in 1) Acquire Skills and become best version of yourself 2) Learn how to showcase your skills.
Choices to Invest your time and money: One Must know that we are responsible for utilization of our time and money, While taking up a course like engineering we should understand that results will be directly proportional to our efforts, so if we are expecting some miracle to happen and make you top of your class while you enjoy binge watching on Netflix then you must come out of this dream, that’s not going to happen. You must work hard to realize your dreams. So, you should also know that choice is yours to invest your time & money, in any activity but remember results will be reciprocal to the activity.

All that Glitter is not Gold: We all read that Engineering student from GNIOT has secured Rs. 70 Lakh Package in Amazon. Or Similar kind of stories. Although these are realities and people are grabbing the big and great opportunities in large corporations, but as I mentioned that glitters are not gold, these opportunities are tough to fight for, extremely hard to crack and worth the effort, Engineering is a four year of extreme hard work and persistence search for excellence, you must study, you must know your subject thoroughly. You must carry that extra knowledge which is required for these high paying roles, and you must know how to present yourself as a fit choice for these big paying roles. But most students get lost in adventures of college life, fun side of being a student, and dramatic non-essential activities. To shine like a diamond you have to work hard like one.
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All the absolute best.