
The Increasing Popularity of Engineering Education

Engineering education is one of the most popular streams amongst the student community. It Attracts almost 1.5 million students every year.

Many wonders what the reasons for engineering degrees are to remain in vouge and still gaining popularity. Let us check out top five reasons behind the increasing popularity of engineering courses.

Prestige of Being an Engineer: Engineers are considered as smart and intelligent people this prestige has attracted several students to pursue the engineering dream.

This point is mostly driven from the fact that engineers are called to solve most difficult problem, even in day-to-day Indian life when a mechanic fails to fix a machine then the Engineer will be called and, in most scenarios, engineers will be able to fix it (if its repairable). Now this situation conveys the message that engineers are great in understanding of machinery or whatever they are engineer at and will be able to provide a solution for any problem. This assumption may not be correct in cases.

Opportunity of Changing the world: Engineer in their day-to-day life, design and develop complex machinery Or Software or Solution to problems, this puts them in a unique spot, they have the chance to help and improve others life. Opportunity to change the world is another good reason for people to choose engineering as their career option.

Financial Security: Engineering careerscarries a certain level of job and financial security. In today’s competitive world an experienced engineer cannot be jobless for long time. In most cases engineers enjoys freedom to demand for higher packages or perks while switching jobs. Even for the fresher engineers’ case, Sincere candidates gets the job either through placement drive in their institute or through off campus recruitment drives. Financial security is another aspect for which engineering courses are getting popular.

Development of Problem Solver Attitude:  Engineering courses are tough to enter and tougher to get good grades in. by design engineering graduates gets developed into problem solver. They face multiple challenges during their course time from assignments to projects and examinations etc converts them into problem solvers. This attitude gets a good recognition and people want to attain this attribute by becoming an engineer.

Career opportunities: For engineers there is no dearth of career opportunities, they can opt to work as engineers or can go into field of academic OR they can also for government services, options are open for them. Even if someone not keen on becoming engineer, but have resources and skill to become an engineer then these kind of people also get into engineering and later switch to other fields, we have already witnessed a trend about engineering graduates pursuing MBA after their Engineering degree and working in financial sectors, this is because of strong analytical skills and problem solver attitude which generally engineers possess.

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