By a report published in Business standard, Indian Economy is set to become world 3rd largest economy by 2031, that is why we see in India, professional Courses are attracting talented people to learn, develop skills & address emerging demand of companies for talented human resources. Furthermore, several new sectors of businesses are emerging which will mature in coming Decades. Engineering courses are a top choice for students in India, not only because of career opportunities but also because of social repute it brings along with it. In India Almost 8.5 lakh Students enrol themselves in computer engineering course every year. Let us find the answer to widespread question: What are the best career options after computer science engineering.

Engineering Admission

Let me put these option in random manner as according to preference of student some careers will be ranked higher then other and its totally understandable.

I am starting with today’s buzzword.

Big Data Engineer OR Data Scientist: You might have already heard the term “Data is the new Oil”. This term is relevant to several aspects of Data Science, for example Like OIL (Read Crude Oil) Data is useless without proper refining similar to oil, to make big data Essentially Data Science is a branch of study, in which we learn to gather data, process the data and then generate meaningful reports from data, which can positively affect business or organisational goals. In the year 2020 there was almost 3 lakh listings related to Data science vacancies across India, and this is when Data science considered to be in teen years of lifecycle, you can imagine the opportunity present in this field of computer science engineering.

Machine Learning Engineers: Computer scientist across the world is developing algorithms and programs to generate artificial intelligence in computers and machines. AI is the most upcoming field within the computer science domain. Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence and basically Machine learning is an application or set of applications/programs to prepare machines to learn from data without being manually instructed to do so. Demand for Machine learning engineers is emerging as almost all sector of businesses now looking forward to using machine learning to perfect their processes, generate error free data processing and fetching business support activities to maximize profits.

Game Developers- Electronic and computer games are widely popular entertainment medium and video games has generated revenue in tune of USD 135 Billion in year 2018. Gaming industry estimated to have annual market size of USD 173 Billion and will reach USD 314 Billion, mark by year 2026. This makes gaming, one of the most prominent sectors, Although gaming is altogether a different career path but computer engineer can also have a bright career in gaming development and allied fields.

Blockchain Developers- Blockchain engineers work on blockchain technology which includes combination of programming languages like Simplicity, Solidity, Rholang, C++, JavaScript etc. Blockchain technology is used in cryptocurrencies, securely sharing data, create highly secure Tracking systems, Real Time processing of IoT systems etc. Its upcoming technology and present humungous opportunities.

Computer Network Architects- Computer network architects are computer engineers who Design, build, and maintain Networking and data communication Systems. These Computer science engineers design, develop, and maintain systems like Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN), Extranets & Intranet etc. Generally, a computer network Architect work with Chief Technology Officer of the company. Upgradation of software and system drivers also falls under CNA’s job profile. This is good career choice for those computer engineers who loves to engage with hardware side of computers.

Information Security Analyst- For computer science engineers who are very keen on learning various programming languages & have a knack for system security Information Security Analyst is a perfect career option. As name suggest Information security analyst, analyse the security of a computer system and highlight any loopholes found so that system remain secure and attack proof. In today’s world when computers are running our world this job is a high responsibility job with best payments and perks.

Full stack Developers- Full stack developers generally create blueprints for holistic developments of websites. Full stack developers also look after user experience and functionality of the website. As this role demands focus on customer experience and functionality a full stack developer must have good command over computer design & programming. We know that in today’s information technology driven world, most businesses must have a website which result in creating huge demand for Full stack developers. This is a widely popular choice for Graduates as this job role have good number openings across sectors.

I hope this helps you to understand some best career after in computer science engineering.

Watch out this space for more such information.

All the absolute best.

By admin