Why do people who always get to hear , “This attitude won’t get you anywhere”, end up doing tremendous things? Why is it always said to test yourself and get things done?
There’s a fine line between needs and wants of things. It’s important to remember that the transformation can occur at any time. You may want to be on a social media page at 15 but you’ll need to be there by 20 for creating a presence. That’s how things work!
I am not interested to sound like giving lecture. So, lets jump into why Need and Want is important to differentiate. I’ll share a small story of mine. It was 2015 and I had just completed my 10th Boards. My Parents wanted me to opt for Science, not because they wanted to see me as a doctor or engineer.The reason was that they didn’t have knowledge about other fields and everyone in 150+ members of my extended family was from Science background.
I was always an average student and scoring 50 in PCMB was an “Achievement”. I was tired of going through the principles, laws and exceptions again and again. But wasn’t able to tell my parents about it as I was myself unknown of the horizon of opportunities Infront of me after 10th. I just didn’t know what to do. So, I took admission in 12th Science and went to my first day of Summer Demo Class on 1st May 2015. There were two classes ongoing Infront of me, on the right it was C++ in Science and on the left it was Economics in Commerce. I was so done with Java in the last few months that I didn’t had the energy to go sit and learn a tweaked version of Java.
I told my father that I’ll get bored, let me sit in the Economics class and I’ll continue in my class from the 2nd lecture. I entered the class just to save myself from C++, unaware that the class I am entering into will be my favorite class forever. It was the first time in my life that I listened to an hour lecture without getting lost in my own thoughts. The practicality, relevance, history and the applications got me so much intrigued that if the lecture continued for another 2-3 hours, I would have just sat there listening like a new born looks at the world. I never went back to my “Designated” class and I have never been so happy with what I studied . I realized that I Needed something that will keep the zeal of understanding what I am reading, alive in me. I wanted to be the best version of myself but had no idea what I needed to achieve it. Choosing the gate on left proved to be one of the best decisions I made. My wants aligned with my needs and just like a full moon night, it shined bright. I was confident that I could convert the illustrations of this alignment in words. I hope you saw what I wanted you to see. Every piece of carbon goes through hours and hours and intense conditions to become a Diamond. We all are a Diamond within, a little polish and we could gleam vividly. Let’s go ahead and start the polishing we need.

Submitted by : Sumedha Srivastava, PGDM 2nd year.