
Why Engineers have Brighter chance of Entrepreneurship?.

With growing Indian Economy, Job Opportunities are becoming diverse day by day. Professional Courses are attracting talented people to study, develop skills & address demand of industry. Furthermore, several new sectors of businesses are emerging which will mature in coming Decade. With Pandemic of Covid 19 pushing whole world in an economical slowdown kind of situation, Societies need more entrepreneurial talent in market so that more and more jobs can be created. We see lots of engineering students passing out from colleges every day, and some of them also choose the path of entrepreneurship. Engineers have proven to be successful entrepreneur take example of Elon Musk, OR Mark Zuckerberg etc you will find Engineers to be on top of their game.

Question if Why Engineers have higher probability to be successful at Entrepreneurship. Let’s find the answer.

If you see at first sight, entrepreneurship and engineering may look like nothing in common but if we look closely both have several skillset requirements to be successful, some most important of them are ability to Strive, Or Hustle, Dedication towards goal, and Ability to finish what one has started.

How Serious are you: Completing an engineering Degree is no joke even if you are at best of engineering institute and taught by Best of Faculties, you have to strive and put your hard work if you want to become a successful engineer, same goes for entrepreneurship, Challenges can be as hard as possible, but a successful entrepreneur would never ever escape the hardship to solve the problem. Striving towards success is a key quality found inn both Engineers and Entrepreneurs.

Dedication: Entrepreneurs are found to be very dedicated towards their companies and projects, they spend hours correcting processes, overlooking execution, meeting clients understanding their objectives and providing solutions. Working with internal and external stakeholders for various reasons, so on list is endless but gist is that Entrepreneurs doesn’t leave any stone unturned for success of their venture. This very quality is found in engineers too, be it Assignment completion or Preparing for that semester test, Engineers also learn dedication and its importance in so many ways during their course.

Start what you can finish: Ability to finish what you have started is another quality where Engineers and Entrepreneur’s excel and show their abilities. Its important because to be a successful entrepreneur one must think through the whole process and then try to mitigate risks as much as possible so that resources can be utilized for solution of unforeseen problems and projects/ company objective can be met. This quality is especially important for engineers as they learn to finish what they have started due to compulsion from their educational institutes / organisation. Secondly, they understand the benefits of it and feel motivated enough to complete a task once started.

Meticulous Planning: Engineers as well as Entrepreneurs have to do meticulous planning as there day to day work demands it,Engineers becomes habitual of Planning as they have to plan large projects and their execution and when these habits come into play as an entrepreneur it all adds up to make them a successful entrepreneur most of the time.

I hope this helps you to understand key common qualities between Engineers and Entrepreneurs.

All the absolute best.


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