
Five thought provoking questions for Management Aspirants

  1. Cultivate Greater Self Awareness:

The first and the foremost thing which every management aspirant must do is to generate greater self awareness. Self awareness reflects understanding of an individual about his core competencies, strengths and weaknesses. It develops better understanding in the mind of the student about his own personality. He is in position to know what his dynamic capabilities are. The student having awareness about his strengths and competencies will be able to decide suitable career opportunities for himself and will be in a position to decide what is most suitable for him. He can explore related horizons and decide his career path ways accordingly.

  1. Develop better sense of realities of Organization

Management aspirant should develop better sense of realities of organization within which leaders operate. It implies to knowing what the ground realities of the professional world are and how the people in the organization manage all the things. It would empower him to become better manager in future, as he will have understanding of real life situations and what kind of internal and external challenges prevails in organizations. This would help to equip him in facing any difficult situations or challenges of the future.

  1. Develop Cultural Intelligence

The next important thing for any management candidate is to strive for cultural intelligence. In VUCA world, cultural intelligence has an important role because management education is at a crossroads. The field is becoming more interdisciplinary. Trends and globalization have significant influences on professions. The leaders are not operating only in the domestic market but are operating crossroads. Professionals are handling customers the clients with different cultural diversity. In prevailing environment, it becomes all the more important for any management aspirant to have cultural intelligence as he should be adaptable to varied situations in future.

  1. Understanding Ethical Behaviour

Ethics plays a very important role in determining the personality and the intent of any person. It becomes very important for the management aspirants to have the understanding of ethical behavior. Ethics determines the character of a person and every candidate must have strong ethical conduct. It is very essential for the candidate to know what is ethical and what is unethical. Whether you are opting for marketing or any other specialization, the individual must know what kind of ethics prevail in the industry and as an individual every professional has to abide to that ethical conduct. It is important to know that the person has a better understanding of ethical code of conduct and he should know what is right and what is not right for him to do.

  1. Learning for a long life endeavour

Last but not the least; student should aspire for learning for a lifelong endeavour. It is very important to have right intent in whatever one does in life. Management education should not be only a gateway to job for the candidate but he should have aspirations to have lifelong learning. When the candidate applies for any management program, his intention should not only to be to get the placement rather he should aim for lifelong perspectives. He should be more focused towards getting the opportunities to learn and become a better personality. He should not always think about return on investment. He should have orientation for better learning getting better exposure during the management education. Long life perspectives would help him in having better career opportunities.

Dr. Ruchi Rayat

Associate Professor &

Dean (OSW)


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