Greater Noida Institute Of Technology
The major difference between both these fields is that IT deals with the application of computing technology to real life processes, while, Computer Science & Engineering deals with the science/ engineering that facilitates these applications.
Both the branches have excellent possibilities and anyone can do well in any of the two.
In IT it is all about Software plus Operating System, in CSE it is about Software alongwith Hardware and OS core. So, choose the same as per the interest; like in Software/Programming Language/ Network/Server/Operating System etc.
IT engineers apply their technical knowledge to solve a variety of technological challenges. They may also create new technologies, including the development of networking solutions and software programs.
Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is also a one of the popular courses among engineering aspirants which focuses on the basic elements of computer programming and networking. Students pursuing computer science (CSE) courses will also gain knowledge of design, implementation and management of information system or both.
Computer Science and Information Technology branches appear to be identical and synonymous to many but in reality they have different objectives too. Both have equal scope and students from both branches are equally employable in the IT and software industries. Computer Science engineers are involved in many aspects of computing from the design of individual microprocessors, Personal Computers and Super Computers to circuit design and writing software that powers them. They are also suited for robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) research, which relies heavily on using digital systems like motors and sensors in different machines.
Information Technology deals with use of electronic computers and computer software to store, protects, process, transit and securely retrieves information. It is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store and/or communicate information. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. They are suited for data management, networking engineering computer hardware, database and software design as well as the efficient management and administration of entire systems.
The final remarks
There is some overlap within these two fields. Fundamentally, they exist in subsections on the same discipline, performing and complementing different tasks that fit together like a gear. If you have to choose between IT and CSE in the same college, see what excites you more. At Greater Noida Institute of Technology (GNIOT, Greater Noida) projects related to design of computers and computing systems or using computers to solve information management requirements of organization are well in place. Students are involved in implementing new projects related to IT and CSE industries. Various Center of Excellence have been set up at Greater Noida Institute of Technology (GNIOT) on/for “Ethical Hacking”, “Robotics”, “Android Applications”, “Computer Networks” and “LINUX”etc.
At Greater Noida Institute of Technology (GNIOT) , students of CSE and IT have already implemented some real life projects like Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data”, “Smart Board for Education”, “Fake Currency Detection”, Sensex Log Data Analysis and Prediction”, “Security Enhancement in e-Transaction”, “Lost Phone Tracker”, “Autonomous Vehicle”, “Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network”, “Home Automation System”, “Language Emulator”, “Dynamic Traffic Light System”, “Plant Leaf Disease Prediction and Detection using Neural Network”, “Hand Gesture Recognition”, “Puzzle Game in Android”, “Autonomous Drone Surveillance”, “Inventory Management System”, “Credit Card Fraud Detection”, “Real Text Editor Using Python Programming”, “Library Application Management with Artificial Intelligence” and many more.