The word library springs from a French word “Librairie”; Latin “liber” = book. The library plays a crucial role in our academic and social lives. Library is an organized collection of data resources made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing and this collection of information may be in the form of books, newspapers, CD’s, journals and research papers etc. library provides us physical or digital access to material, and should be a physical building or room, or a virtual space, or both containing collection of informative material. Library is often of different types like, school library, college library, office library or community library etc. and collection in a library may vary from books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents, microform, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, Blue-ray Discs, e-books, audio books, databases, and other formats.

Libraries offer free education and entertainment to the masses which may be a student, a piece professional or a common person of a community. It doesn’t matter what your economic status is, you’ll come in and have free access to books that can inform and transform you. Though the utilization of school/college and research libraries is limited only to the students of that particular school/college but state and community libraries are open for all and anyone can avail the benefits of these during working hours. It might not be wrong to say that a library is the store-house for books of all kinds and on all subjects under the one roof. An honest modern library usually subscribes to practically all the important newspapers and periodicals so that these are made available to all those interested.
Books, newspapers and periodicals are the most features of a library and they represent the endeavours, achievements and glory of writers, statesmen, scientists, philosophers and saints and one can learn plenty from these. A library can act as an area, museum of sorts, displaying the sort of information which simply can’t be experienced on an online library through a computer or an I-pad. A library isn’t just a source for reading books and newspapers, in fact, it means plenty more than that. It should be a repository for local history, currently collected during a haphazard and voluntary manner by local groups who often lack the facilities to do so adequately. A library may be a soul-nourishing place for people of any age, and a natural focus for the meeting of minds.
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Mr. S.D. Nautiyal
Head Librarian
GNIOT Group of Institutions