This is an important and a vibrant topic for every organization because management have a enormous influence on individual employees and the organization as a whole. Better management skills can develop equal happier, more efficient, and loyal employees.

Becoming a better manager isn’t something that miraculously happens overnight, it’s a process that occurs by changing your current styles and applying simple tips. Some common tips that can help to raise daily interactions and relationships between managers and employees. These are as follows: –

  1. First know your employees and their want. It is important to know about your employees on both levels, personal level as well as professional level. Know their career objectives but also know their personal interests and passions.
  2. Fairly Communicate with the employees. Try to be approaching with your team. Let them know relevant information and ascertain the effects that lack of communication can have on your staff.
  3. Pay attention to your employees as much as possible. If an employee comes to you with an plan or thought, try to make time and resolve the issue.
  4. Become a motivator. Encourage employees to work hardly and give them worthy reason to work efficiently.
  5. Become a leader, not just a manager. Give clear direction and goal to your employees, show them how to become successful in the organization.
  6. Upgrade yourself. It’s important to improve your team, but don’t forget about yourself. Inspect your weaknesses and work on upgrading them every day.
  7. Recognize success. Try and see the positives in your team members and their work. Recognize the efforts which make by the employees.
  8. Be a good human. You are a manager it does not mean you are a superhuman. Accept your mistakes, take help when needed and allow your team to see that you’re just as human as they are.
  9. Create friendly environment. Just because you are a manager, it does not mean you have to be rough and unpleasant. It is important to create friendly environment within the organization and make your organization a great place to work.
  10. Lead with example. Make sure you work with morality and principles in the workplace. Act in a way that you would like your staff to act.

This list could be numbered to 100 or more, these are ten surely obvious and very important ways which helps you to become a better manager. It also improve your employees as well as your business.

-Rajeev Kumar